René Torres (Venezuelan RB during the late 80's) interviewed by a journalist about his sporting career and interestingly, about how was his experience with then Venezuela NT and how was the overall treatment of professional soccer players in Venezuela:
¿Cómo fue tu experiencia con la camiseta vinotinto? => How was your experience with the vinotinto shirt?
"No me quejo, repito, compartí con los mejores jugadores de mi época, pero lamentablemente no teníamos la formación, no estábamos preparados, y no teníamos jugadores en el exterior que marcaran diferencia como ahora”. =>
"I do not complain, I repeat, I shared with the best (Venezuelans) players of my time, but unfortunately we did not have the training, we were not prepared, and we did not have players abroad that would make a difference like now."¿Recibieron buen trato como profesionales que eran? => Did you they receive good treatment as professionals?
Bueno… para el nivel que teníamos si, yo creo que sí, nosotros lamentablemente cuado íbamos a jugar Copa América o eliminatoria pues, nos reunían 10 o 12 días antes de la competencia, mientras que las demás selecciones hacían partidos de preparación, nosotros no teníamos esa imagen a nivel internacional para que otras selecciones se entusiasmaran y se decidieran a jugar con nosotros. Siempre jugábamos partidos amistosos contra equipos locales o equipos de Colombia”. =>.
"Well ... for the level that we had, I think so, unfortunately when we were going to play Copa America or elimination, because we met 10 or 12 days before the competition, while the other teams played preparation games, we did not have that image at international level so that other selections were enthusiastic and decided to play with us. We always played friendly matches against local teams or Colombian teams. "