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Ron BURGESS 1946-1951
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Author:  Levin [ Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  Ron BURGESS 1946-1951

Name: William Arthur Ronald Burgess


Country: :WAL: Wales
Club: Tottenham Hotspur
Position: *DMF, CMF, AMF
Side: RF/BS
Age: 29-34 years (09/04/1917 in Cwn)

Height: 180 cm
Weight: 69 kg

Attack: 73
Defence: 77
Balance: 81
Stamina: 86
Top Speed: 83
Acceleration: 81
Response: 81
Agility: 79
Dribble Accuracy: 84
Dribble Speed: 77
Short Pass Accuracy: 85
Short Pass Speed: 76
Long Pass Accuracy: 83
Long Pass Speed: 79
Shot Accuracy: 73
Shot Power: 86
Shot Technique: 73
Free Kick Accuracy: 74
Curling: 71
Header: 82
Jump: 86
Technique: 84
Aggression: 75
Mentality: 87
Goalkeeper Skills: 50
Team Work: 83

Injury Tolerance: B
Condition: 6
Weak Foot Accuracy: 6
Weak Foot Frequency: 6
Consistency: 7
Growth Type: Late/Lasting

S02 - Passer
S18 - Turning Skills
P12 - Enforcer

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Dribbling - Passing

Attack/Defence Awareness Card: Balanced


Burgess was both skipper and midfielder inspiration as the North Londoners topped the Second Division table in 1949-50, then lifted the League Championship a year later and if one man embadied the ethos of the visionary manager Arthur Rowe's exhilarating combination, it was the genial prematurely balding Welshman.

His perpetual motion and irrepressible enthusiasm, melding potently with the wily passing game of the inside-forward Eddie Baily, facilitated the side's fluid push and run style, which highligthed Rowe's credentials as one of the game's most progressive thinkers.

Not that Burgess was merely a workhouse, his characteristic dynamism and resilience being gilded by comprehensive all-round ability, his ball control was neat, his distribution assured, he was positionally astute, formidable in the air and quick over the ground.

He excelled, too, at international level, missing only two appearances for his country in eight post-war seasons, winning most of his 32 caps as captain. In addition he was the first Welshman to represent the football league and he played for Great Britain againts Rest of Europe in 1947.

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